Done with Religion, Maybe
Over 40 million people have left organized religion in the recent past. In a brand new book, Done by Daryl Van Tongeren, Ph.D., a...
The Lost Sheep and Why It Matters
A quick recap of the parable is in order. Now, the tax collectors and sinners were all gathered around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees...
Hi, I'm Paul
So good to have you here.
If you are struggling in your faith, pay a visit. We all have, even the most pious. Your thoughts are welcome.
I am a graduate student at the Liberty Theological Seminary. I am trying to reach out to people in a way I have not before. Please be patient with me in this start-up. Two dogs run my life, including my wake and sleep schedule. They are like clocks, so my biorhythm is in tune with them. As I write this, it is late afternoon, and breakfast awaits. I am married and have a wonderful, supportive spouse who has tolerated me at this time, going back to graduate school. As I said in one of the blogs, I am a practicing psychotherapist and have been at it for some time until the Holy Spirit woke me up to new beginnings.